1 AM

I have a problem…and college is probably only going to make it worse. I pretty regularly stay up until midnight or 1. And the post a week ago was a slight mix of falsehood and truth. The Olympics were keeping me up and with my family past when I usually go to bed. However, it’s fair to mention that going to bed has a slightly different meaning to me:
Going to bed: verb/preposition/noun A near-ritual involving prayers, scriptures study, reading, playing apps on my iPod, adding music to my iTunes library, watching movies, watching TV shows, and other miscellaneous tasks (reading my friend’s blogs) that escape me because I’m running on 4 hours of sleep 

That's me...but all three activities at once and in my bed
Actually, what’s happening is really just anything but sleep. Terrible, I know.  What’s worse is that it’s probably contagious. My friend Rachael says she might be becoming a night owl. Mixed feelings on that one. She’s the last person alive that loves falling asleep at 9. And I’m kind of jealous. I must have ruined my circadian rhythm long ago, while pursuing the completion of a procrastinated project perhaps?
Whole groups of people get together – albeit usually on weekends – just to participate in this same kind of rebellion against the body’s natural need to recharge and rejuvenate.  Now, when I go off to college, I just hope that there are just a few in 30,000+ that want to try an experimental sleep deprivation detox. 


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