The Last One for a While

Well, this is it. I get set apart to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints tonight at 7. I report to the MTC in Provo, Utah in less than 24 hours. If any of you would like to follow my adventures in Peru Lima North Mission, you can head on over and follow my mission blog, where my mom will be posting my weekly letters.

Forgotten Post from Finals

I really shouldn't be writing this's more of a way that I can put one more good thing in front of a better thing. I should be writing a program for my computer science course right now. It's due tomorrow night. I just can't seem to find where to start, and considering that's usually my trouble with blog posts, it seemed logical to write this post instead. Now, however, I'm realizing that I can't put it off forever and if I do, then I could be voluntarily forfeiting valuable points in a class that doesn't come to easily to me...

Alright, flip the viewpoint, because now we're talking about finals, but that's still school related, right? I don't think I lost all of the skills for writing that I learned in high school.  Finals are like every other test/midterm I take this semester; the only difference is that they are worth two or three times as much. (did you catch that semicolon usage?!) This last fact probably is enough to reduce the average student to a stress-overloaded, whimpering git, huddled in the corner. I vow not to be that person. During the next few weeks, I will dedicate time to studying old notes, lecture slides, and exams. I won't stay up later than normal studying and I won't worry about things until I check the Testing Center website. It will tell me I have my Calculus final from 7 to 10...AM on a Tuesday (that alone would be enough to freak me out, definitely going to bed early that Monday) and then a one hour break before my Chemistry final the same day, maybe I'll get some photos developed in between.  I'll pull through, but it'll be a no-fun kind of two weeks, self-chosen to be that way. I have a roommate who says he will study some, but when he gets bored he's going to play Halo....I hope this isn't true, because if he does I may secretly hope he gets put on academic probation.

Oh well, some people deal with stress differently...

Now I've discovered that I never finished this post during finals...maybe Easton walked into the room and I felt guilty, maybe I just had a spurt of responsibility. However it may have panned out, I finished school with a 3.48 GPA (roughly, I don't know how credit hours affect GPA yet.)  That's not quite as high as I typically would hope, but still not a deal breaker as far as keeping my options open for after I get back from my mission. That was kind of the goal this semester-keep things from being bad so that I have choices when I get back.

Anyway, once the mission blog is set up I'll post a link to it in a new post; that guarantees there will be a post in the next month (only 4 weeks left!)