Rock and a Hard Place

I have to get up early to go to work. Granted, not as early as some, but still, leaving my home at 6 AM in the summer is a little early for my taste, even if I get to see things like this:

(Not my awesome photo skills)

Add to that my family and I are nightowls during the summer, regularly staying up until 11, midnight or later.

Now, the final crowning piece: it’s the summer Olympics in London this year.

Did I mention we’re also Olympic freaks? We will watch countless hours of the programming of obscure sports just because, well, it’s the Olympics.  Because of my work schedule, I don’t get home until around 4 PM every day. That leaves the prime time, 8 - Midnight recap as my only fix during the week. 

Don’t get me wrong, watching world-class athletes on the biggest international stage has to be one of my favorite things to do every couple of years, but would it kill the TV programmers to bump it up a couple of hours? 6 - 10 would be just perfect! So, now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place: I want to spend time watching the Olympics with my family, but I also can’t go much longer only getting 5 hours of sleep every night. What to do…?


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