You Didn’t Even Know

Okay, so I realize that this is a little bit like cheating on my own self imposed self-restraint test, but I had to blog about it. I call this a letter to the girl that made my day when everything seemed to be going wrong.

I pulled into the parking lot knowing you were inside, but also about to rip the head off the next person to require my participation. You didn't know it but I had lost my hearing and couldn't hardly perceive the music you made when I walked in the door. I told my buddy how frustrated I was and the end of the rope drew closer, but there you were with a grin and a hug. You didn't know how you made my day, when you took my paper and started writing. How I took the break feeling like I needed to just let out a scream, then I walked back in and you were waiting. You gave me a note that absolutely made my day and you didn't even know. You didn't even know how far gone I was but now I'm writing this down so someone will. You didn't even know when you walked with me to my car how pent up inside my anger had melted. When I looked into your face you didn't even know the change that came over me, or how everything else seemed to disappear from my mind. You may never know what a difference you made, but thank you.


Cam said...

Should say Nov 7 2011 for the date...

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