I Work at the Cloud Factory

So basically I work at a cloud factory, a huge building that let's out huge wafting clouds a thousand particulates at a time. The billowing white mass surges skyward on a hot updraft of air. But really, this process actually happens where I work. Sometimes I wish the engineers could press a button and make thunderclouds or turn a crank to make wispy cirrus clouds, but all they make is the same billowy cumulus clouds. Not even that technically, it's steam put off by the giant condenser buildings, but I prefer to call them the cloud generators. Come winter, they'll shower mine and Rachael's cars with nuclear snow.

Yep, I work at a nuclear power plant. It puts off exactly zero radiation into the atmosphere, just lots and lots of steam. When I think about the lyrical possibilities of my workplace I can't help but think that it could inspire the next Owl City song or at least give way to a line or two.

I'm feeling just a touch random, but I'll transition here with the fact that the clouds and the stars are both atmospheric beings relatively speaking. I asked Rachael to homecoming last night. Basically it was one of the coolest ways that I've ever asked someone to a dance, right up there alongside covering Megs'room in stickynotes. I love leaving people surprises. It's seriously got to be one of my favorite things in the whole wide world, and when I get married (I know slow down Cameron, you've still got a mission to serve and a girl woman to meet) but when I do really I'm going to leave her fun little surprises on a regular basis...but not so regularly that she starts to expect them :D Anyhow with that said just know that I will likely edit this post to add in the pictures of me asking Rachael soon, because I've got to catch some shuteye before I drop dead! Also forthcoming is a post explaining the wonderful Ms. Rachael hahaha.


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