The Start of All Things New

Okay, so just to start off and give a little about myself: I'm a guy, I procrastinate, hence this blog starting now instead of a month ago when I said it would start.  I love aphorisms, especially ones that say a lot about me, and I love cutting them up to make puzzles...such as the title of my blog.

I know it's a little bit of a hypocritical title because a blog is mostly about what I say/write, but I really do love to listen.  It's more of a habit really, I walk into a room and find myself barraged with half a dozen conversations from people not speaking to me, but speaking around me, which automatically qualifies them to be my inadvertent eavesdropping target.  It annoys some people, but really it's just a harmless habit.  I don't do anything but observe, I don't exploit or blackmail other than some light teasing. 

Anyway, that's who I am, take me or leave me.  I'm a listener and hopefully I'll be able to read comments that people leave and be a listener to you, my readers.  You'll probably learn more about me by reading my blog than most people see on the surface...which is pretty embarrassing, but what can I say?  I try to keep to myself as much as possible.

Until next time,


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