College Cookin'

Woe is a college student without ingredients to make things to eat. I live on a diet of tortillas, PB&J, PB&H, potatoes, occasionally chicken, fast food, and cereal. Basically it’s cheap, easy to fix stuff that is available on a semi regular basis. Best part is I’m not gaining any weight because I walk everywhere on campus :)

That’s why I’m sooo grateful for home. In two weeks I will be home, free to cook whatever I want to a certain extent because momma has all the ingredients that I don’t have. Home also means free to not cook if I don’t want to, and the consequence isn't fast food. It will be glorious. Six weeks after I’m home more permanently, I will go to the MTC, then the CCM, where food is mediocre compared to home cookin’ but not as bad as fast food.  After that, I’m told my mission has women that cook for the missionaries on a daily basis, Peruvian food every day. So so stoked for that!

Credit for the incredible toon goes to this awesome blog:


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